![]() Hello, hi there, and how the hell are ya? This is the latest in a series of free song giveaways from mankind's best friend, chucktrevino.com, that last bastion of social decency and common sense, still going strong after years of verbal and not-so verbal abuse emanating from evil provokers, evil agent provocateurs, evil satanists (are there any non-evil satanists?), evil-minded opportunists, evil and vengeful disciples of pathetically bad "rock" bands and actors, and various other jerks of such evil nature. It has come to my attention that various innuendoes and insinuations have been made (possibly by flatterers, I know) in feeble attempts to impugn my integrity. It has been intimated that I am a liar, a cad, a not-so-useful idiot, and a prematurely-senile rambling raconteur (a teller of tall, tall tales). It has also been said that I have lately become (or always have been, depending on who you talk to) a feeble-minded victim of the dreaded Alzheimer's Disease. ![]() Ok, now let's get right down to mean business: I have some good news and some bad news for you. Which do you want to hear first? The bad news, of course; and there's a lot of it this time around. We'll start with the worst of the bad: Charles may not be around much longer; that is the informed opinion of a long-time observer of Charles, namely... Charles himself! What's that, Charles, what? Has some evil bastard threatened your life? Well, not exactly; my enemies don't do untoward things like that. After all, it might subject them to legal repercussions, or worse (divine retribution) if they did carry out such an ignoble crime against humanity, since Charles does what he does for the following reasons only: 1) to edify all of mankind (including those of you who ignominiously sin), and 2) to earn extra "do-gooder" bonus points from my very judgmental (it's ok if He judges me) Uncle, a divine entity generally referred to as... oh, I'd better not blaspheme like that anymore. Bad for the credibility. If you don't know what I'm talking about... so much the better. Nevertheless, since my enemies do their dirty work in a more roundabout way, unimpeded by fear of divine retribution (they seem to believe that Charles Darwin created the universe, or some such poppycock), I do consider myself (and yourself too, if you're not a business insider) to be in a very grave situation these days, judging from all the recently dead noble martyrs (and victims of lesser worth) who fell victim to someone's or some thing's ignoble scheme to rid the world of such troublesome (to their agenda) chattel... such as Charles himself! (Or you, yourself). Even though God is watching us all, and knows everything the satanists are doing (no matter what fool they secretly get to do their dirty deed and blame it on), these shallow dollar-worshipping idiots don't believe in any God other than $$, so they're hardly going to listen to some divine commandment brought to them by some long-dead prophet; these guys require more concrete proof of power. That's what it's all about, to their way of thinking. Oh, poor skeptical sinners of little faith, you just don't know what I know about my Unc... er, God. And will probably find out when it's too late. Anyway, now everybody will know who to blame if Charles suddenly drops dead from any of the following causes: 1. Airborne "vaccine" droplets (or other such nefarious airborne concoctions). Yes, our friends in the scientific community have graciously developed this novel new way of vaccinating everyone who had the effrontery to avoid such highly-suspect mandatory jabs. I say mandatory because if you don't agree to get vaxxed, you're highly likely to lose things like your job, your educational opportunities, your children's educational opportunities, your children, your right to travel (or even leave your home), your right to buy groceries, your right to go to a hospital should you come down with some terrible affliction after getting vaxxed, and even your life, should you draw the ire of some CNN-worshipping zealot who thinks you're endangering him because you didn't get vaxxed (actually, studies have now proven that it's actually the vaccinated people who are most likely to give you the good old spike, via a process known as "shedding.") Yes sir, you gotta' watch out for these new airborne developments, as evil chemicals are now flying around the upper and lower atmospheric layers, as well as lurking in the ground and water where they have been unceremoniously dumped. But wait a minute, Charles, isn't that vax-mandate-mask-lockdown-or else-kill-yourself deal over already? Well, yeah... but they're about to start the whole thing again, from what I understand. After all, election time is coming soon, and it's time to start playing politics again. Hey, c'est la vie (such is life) on planet Earth these happy days, thanks to our unaccountable big pharma-bankster-poli-tick-saviors. 2. Foods containing aforesaid highly-suspect vaccines. Yes, they're putting the spike (among other unappetizing things) in the food we all eat now, which may soon consist entirely of bugs (ugh) if our non-elected, non-governmental-organization global masters implement the plans they have in store for us poor non-elites (while they get fat munching filet mignon). Apparently these plans are not secret at all, and are publicly available for anyone to read, illustrating just how confident these pharmaceutical/fiduciary saviors of ours have become. Less power to them, Charles says. 3. Myocarditis, pericarditis, and/or various other deadly or debilitating heart afflictions resulting from aforesaid vaccines. Yep, it's fact not fiction; labels for new vaccines by drug giants Pfizer and Moderna now read as follows: "Postmarketing data with authorized or approved mRNA COVID-19 vaccines demonstrate increased risks of myocarditis and pericarditis, particularly within the first week following vaccination. Information is not yet available about potential long-term sequelae." What prompted big pharma to admit this is something of a mystery to me, since informed people know damn well the big boys don't have to admit anything they don't want to, regardless of a massive slew of well-grounded accusations from brave experts. Maybe it's because they don't have to pay anybody's damages, thanks to the 1986 National Vaccine Childhood Injury Act they lobbied for, which exempts them from paying damages to victims of their very helpful vaccines; the taxpayers pay themselves for the damages inflicted (that's if they win their cases in "vax court"). Here's another Fun Fact: At a Sept. 12, 2023 meeting, the CDC refused to release updated information on reported cases of myocarditis and pericarditis following COVID-19 vaccination, choosing instead to cite a study covering data only through Oct. 23, 2022 (the vaccines were introduced in September 2022!) A CDC spokesman stated (and I quote): "When appropriate, the updated safety data will be published." Upon being asked why the current meeting was not an appropriate time, as the updated data was currently available, he did not answer. "This is evil playing out right before our eyes," stated Kim Witczak, a drug safety advocate from the nonprofit Woodymatters, who was present at the meeting. "This is precisely the information that parents need to have, especially when there are still schools and activities mandating these shots." Thanks for protecting us, the people who pay your unbribed salaries, CDC. Also please extend my warmest regards to Pfizer and Moderna, won't you? Ok, enough of the sarcasm, I know you get enough of that from Charles. So I guess I won't mention the other present dangers to my (and your) health... such as the dangerously pervasive "forever" chemicals in all the products that are still legally marketed in broad daylight (in spite of their proven debilitating effects); or all the aluminum, fluorides, lead, arsenic, etc., that they've dumped into the soil and groundwater (and tap water!) everywhere; or the "Tyranny of 5G" (Charles just coined that term himself), a classic example of which might be, you know, those cute transmitters the Nice Guys installed that point straight into my bedroom window; oh I forgot again... no more sarcasm from Charles... Alright then... to hit a less sarcastic note (and to cheer you back up a little), I just read that a team of scientists led by one Guoliang Liu, associate professor of chemistry in the Virginia Tech College of Science, have discovered a fairly inexpensive way to "upcycle" the two most commonly-used forms of plastic, called polyethylene and polypropylene, into valuable chemicals called surfactants, which are used to create soap, detergent, and other helpful items. Which is good, since a lot of us, um I mean a lot of you people out there, need to clean up your act. Take it from Charles, who just got out of the shower: right about NOW might be a good time to repent all of your venial (and not so venial) sins, as the big-time END may be coming soon. I hate to sound so pessimistic and doom-gloomy, but judging from articles I've been reading in non-mainstream publications like the _______ Times (no free advertising on chucktrevino.com, unless you pay me!), the satanists have gone completely hellbent insane in their lust for greed, power, and ultimately, control of every aspect of life as we presently know it. They are relying very heavily on vital assistance from an entity that, in my humble (ha ha) opinion, is playing an instrumental role in leading us closer and closer towards what is shaping up to be some kind of high-technology HELL on earth: the Scientific Geek Community, hereinafter referred to as "the SGC" (not to be confused with smarty-pants people like the more helpful plastic-to-soap scientists I just mentioned). ![]() You may or may not (depending on your age and scholarly ambitions) have heard of ChatGPT, the groundbreaking AI phenomenon that can do amazingly helpful things, like creating original stories just from a single writer’s idea. It can also do helpful things like writing term papers for students too lazy or illiterate to do it themselves, thus ensuring that unqualified people will graduate from high-faluting colleges, and get high-faluting, well-paying jobs they are completely unqualified to have. The fact that this AI phenomenon helps boost the economy while degrading society is probably the unspoken dollar-licking reason it hasn't been shut down yet, and probably never will be. I won't get into how this technology works (too geeky); rather, I'd like to cite a funny cartoon I read, depicting some hapless corporate honcho getting advice from his SG advisor regarding the pros and cons of AI. The honcho first asks about the uncertainties of implementing AI, to which his advisor replies: the potential for putting humans out of work, for creating AI-dependent morons, for creating out-of-control robotic doomsday weapons, for creating out-of-control disruptive and destructive computer programs, for making gross errors that can lead to total chaos if completely trusted, and, ahem, the potential for bad actors to use such software for their nefarious criminal pursuits (among other nefarious things). The honcho, having been apprised of the uncertainties of AI, then asks: what are the certainties we know of? To which the advisor replies, "only that we want to proceed full steam ahead with AI." Actually, that cartoon was not so funny, considering some of the events unfolding today. I've also read about horrifying "doomsday killer-drone" scenario predictions, like the one where a killer drone endowed with autonomous AI abilities is instructed to carry out its killer mission at all costs, as long as it doesn't kill or harm the person(s) who dispatched it. Like the self-survival obsessed computer HAL in that famous sci-fi movie "2001: A Space Odyssey," the killer drone decides that carrying out it's mission at any cost over-rides the "just don't kill me, your boss" imperative, and the drone acts accordingly... as any intelligent, sane person might expect that it would. It gets rid of "the boss" that is standing in the way of carrying out its "death-to-all-azzoles" mission. Pretty funny, huh? But I also read somewhere that, according to a retired high-ranking military officer, this unlikely scenario had actually happened. If that guy is to believed, anyone can see where we are heading with all of this AI doomsday-terminator-robocop stuff. Now I want to make it perfectly clear that I am not opposed to AI being used in helpful, socially responsible and controlled ways, by helpful, self-controlled and accountable people; I am, however, a little bit concerned about AI being used in harmful, sick, disgusting, intrusive and nefarious ways by not-so insightful or responsible people. When I say intrusive, one might infer that I'm talking about the disgusting practice of super-snoop surveillance, which the satanists have brainwashed most of the earth's population (bless their poor misguided souls) into believing is perfectly normal, even laudable behavior that should be readily, even eagerly accepted ("Alexa, give my credit card information to Google"); yeah about that, but now things are getting really, really sick and weird. The SGC is actively working on AI programs based upon the same generative pre-trained transformer (GPT) technology that ChatGPT, Bard and similar cheating essay-writing language models are built on; programs that can actually read a persons thoughts! The fact that this is the ultimate form of satanic-geek intrusion doesn't seem to concern its geek proponents too much; they seem to be excusing their misguided (sick) actions by pointing out the benefits that might accrue from their work, such as helping inarticulate stroke victims communicate better (hmmm, not so bad), as well as learning how insects and other non-humans view the world (hmmm... do we really need to know such things?). Also, they keep reassuring us that this technology isn't yet capable of actually reading a person's mind... while they're doing everything in their power to ensure that it soon will be. ![]() Actually, mind reading technology has been in progress for quite some time now, but they previously had to surgically implant equipment into a willing (or helpless) test subject's brain. Now they can do it non-invasively (?? huh??), by putting the test subject into something similar to the MRI brain scanner most people are familiar with today. Just for the sake of clarity, here's a brief "layman's view" of how some of the mind-reading technologies work: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI): This was the first rung of the ladder; first, the geeks put you in a fMRI scanning machine to train their "semantic decoder" to recognize (fMRI) signals (brain patterns) from multiple areas of your brain simultaneously; then they make you listen to hours of podcasts while in the scanner, while scanning your brain activity again. If you don't actively try to sabotage the process by not paying attention to the podcasts and thinking about your own personal problems (them) instead, the AI program has a 50% chance of successfully generating corresponding if somewhat garbled text from the "dictionary" they acquired from your brain scans, all by itself... thus "decoding" what your brain patterns revealed while you were listening to the podcasts. Only a 50% chance of generating garbled text? So what's all the worrying about, Charles? Well, you have to consider several factors when contemplating this issue, the most important being that this technology is still in it's formative stages. ![]() And like I said, this fMRI tech is only the beginning of what promises to be the next big, unstoppable thing. If producing garbled text from your brain scans wasn't enough to scare you, you should probably be apprised that many labs have developed ways to produce images such as human faces and landscapes as well as text messages, by scanning your poor old tired brain. Stable Diffusion, a German based algorithm, made remarkably fast progress in this area by incorporating photo captions into the algorithm, combining textual as well as visual information to read the pictures in your mind. Other text-to-image AIs are DALL-E 2 and Midjourney which, after first being "trained" using billions of images associated with text descriptions, can produce new images from text prompts only. A systems neuroscientist at Osaka University described how an algorithm can use fMRI scans of different regions of the brain that involve image perception such as the temporal lobes (that register brain patterns about the contents of the image, i.e., people, objects, scenery etc.), and the occipital lobe (that deals mostly in layout and perspective, the scale and position of the image). These brain patterns are then reconverted into an imitation image, using good ol' AI. Pretty neato stuff, eh? Okay, enough of this weirdo ______ (insert vulgar word for "feces" here), let's move on... to some of the more obscure dangers posed by this new technology. Remember, the SGC has told us not to worry about some geek intruding upon your involuntary cerebral thoughts by abusing this new technology because 1) it's still in its infancy and isn't that dangerous yet; 2) it requires a consenting subject to submit to many hours of scanning inside a big stupid fMRI machine; and 3) they've sworn up and down not to let any of those hapless, bumbling multi-billionaire bad guys (you know, the ones who can buy anyone they want, even the toppermost heads of state) get ahold of this marvelous new weapon, er, I mean technology. Feel safer now? I don't, especially when I hear that they're now actively working on Portable Thought Readers! Hooray! ![]() Aw, I'm getting sarcastic again... gosh I'm sorry. Now let's talk about how the satanists will soon be able to steal your private thoughts, like maybe an artistic idea or a genius brainstorm scientific idea, and then record them on a blockchain before you do, thus cheating you out of your copyrights! Actually though, they do this all the time without fMRI's or fNIRS's from what I hear (probably to guys like me), so not to worry too much about that. But really, consider the benefits for people who want to record unchangeable records of their ideas for legal purposes! Or... minting nonfungible tokens (NFTs) of their thoughts! That could empower genius thinkers like Nobel laureates or great genius philosophers to register their ideas in a permanent unchangeable record, that could be made to serve as collectible digital assets! Or... or... hell, I don't know... who really does know what a stuck-in-a-rut geek will do next, given generous funding grants from satanic scumbags? And don't try to talk to these kinds of minds about possible (more like certain, from my point of view) retribution from a superior, more soulful intelligence for their dangerously irresponsible "contributions" to mankind; they'll quite simply shrug it off (more likely laugh it off) as "bible-thumping rhetoric." Poor geniuses; sure glad I'm not a geek! ![]() Ha ha ha! But seriously, I really think that right about NOW might be a good time for venial sinners to start thinking about repenting for their minor transgressions (ok, alright, I do it too... sometimes); Unless you happen to be a CNN addict, you'll find that the more credible non-mainstream news media are overflowing with horrible news. Nightmare scenarios straight out of a crazy science-fiction novel are happening all around the world now, if certain media are to be believed (and I do); I keep reading about forced organ harvesting in China from "donors" who have been arrested just for practicing Falun Gong (a non-political, seemingly harmless program for improving one's troubled state of mind through yoga, proper diet, exercise, meditation and compassionate thinking). Falun Gong that has been labeled a "thought virus" by the CCP, punishable by imprisonment, torture, and/or execution (so they can conveniently use a prisoner's profitable organs, get it?) One Chinese whistleblowing doctor even confessed that he witnessed organ removal from a "donor" that was still alive! The criminalization of this very popular but "dangerous" (to the CCP) Falun Gong movement sounds a hell of a lot like the persecution of Jesus Christ two thousand years ago, and it seems to be on the verge of happening right here in the good ol' U.S. -- I've read that religious people are now being investigated by federal bureaus and agencies and put on databases, just for being religious! More light on this disturbing trend is forthcoming from chucktrevino.com (especially the still-living "donors" aspect.) I also recently read something else that I find deeply troubling; it seems that a bill authored by Sen. Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield) to increase penalties for repeat offenders of child sex trafficking, was killed at a July 11, 2023 meeting of the Assembly Public Safety Committee, thanks mostly to the somewhat strange arguments proffered by committee democrats. Senate Bill 14, which passed the Senate earlier this year with unanimous bipartisan support, would have made repeat sexual trafficking of a minor a “serious” felony," finally making that henious crime a strikeable offense subject to California’s 1994 "Three Strikes law," which carries sentences of 25 years to life for those convicted. Assemblyman Reginald Jones-Sawyer (D-Los Angeles), Chair of the Assembly Public Safety Committee, opposed the bill because it would "exacerbate lengthy prison sentences and contribute to a failing criminal justice system." To further quote Jones-Sawyer: “The Three Strikes model of sentencing is ineffective in preventing crime and protecting the public’s safety... We will not build on a deeply flawed sentencing system that unfairly punishes disadvantaged communities." Huh? What did he mean by "unfairly punishes disadvantaged communities?" Sounds to me a lot like the satanists' insane "liberal" logic that it's unfair to punish "disadvantaged" rioters from looting and burning down the town (ACLU for you), or that it's unfair not to allow biological males who undergo sex change operations to compete against biologically weaker females in sports! A handful of other groups contributed to the death of Senate Bill 14, including the Public Defenders’ Association and the Sisters Warriors Coalition, even though more than 70 organizations supported the measure, including cities across California, district attorney’s offices and law enforcement agencies, as well as dozens of family members and advocates of past victims. In response to one of the opponents' arguments regarding the consequences to "victim offenders" (not sure what they mean by that; I'm assuming they mean victims that were made to traffic children themselves), former Alameda prosecutor Sharmin Bock pointed out that district attorney’s offices were aware of the predicament victim offenders were in, however: “The trend is not to prosecute victim offenders... absent extreme violence. As a prosecutor, I’ve seen many of the same faces. She also emphasized that the bill only addresses those repeatedly convicted of sexually trafficking children; also that lack of fear of harsh punishment, combined with fast big cash business profits, added much incentive to human trafficking schemes. Quote Ms. Bock: “So, you sell a child for sex, and you serve two years. It’s a cost of doing business. Traffickers with five girls in their stables are making close to a million bucks. This is a huge money maker; these girls are ATM machines -— this is a cost-benefit analysis. The traffickers are getting so brazen because the law has no teeth.” Ms. Grove informed the meeting that California currently has the highest rate of child sex trafficking crimes in the world, and has become the hub for child trafficking! Also that current statutes allowing for five, eight, and 12-year sentences for sex trafficking (the 12-year sentence is rarely applied) result in many being released after serving only two-thirds of their sentence. She related one typical story of an offender that was convicted of trafficking an Orange County girl; he was sentenced to eight years but released after serving only four; he was soon arrested again in Bakersfield for trafficking three more girls, aged 14 to 20 years old. Experts have stated that due to lenient statues, child sex traffickers have become unconcerned about punishment; as a result, the child sex trafficking industry is expanding exponentionally. It only stands to reason, don't you think? Another argument that was made against the bill, that I find ridiculous, is the good old "overcrowded prison conditions," the same excuse they use for letting repeat thieves, rapists and murderers avoid jail time. In response to that one, Sharon Grove replied: “While I know this committee is about addressing prison overcrowding and not adding enhancements to the roll, I hope we can all agree today that repeatedly selling minors for sex, forcing them to be raped over and over every single day, should be considered a serious felony in the state of California. We have pictures of girls with tattoos branded on their faces as young as 12. God's children are not for sale." Well spoken, Ms. Groves! Thank God somebody's still sane out there. And might I suggest that if we stop giving all of our money (and weapons like killer drones and the sadist's dream-machine, the satanic cluster bomb) to Ukraine every time our dear Mr. Zelensky demands it, we would have more than enough $$ to deal with prison overcrowding? Also, since I'm spouting ideas, wouldn't imposing the death penalty on such monsters kind of deter them and others from trying their hand at child sex trafficking, while simultaneously relieving the overcrowded prison problem? They might even consider imposing the death penalty more often for similar crimes, such as the recent law in Florida condemning convicted child rapists to death. While you're at it, you might try imposing death on inmates who rape other inmates in jail... I think it might serve to alleviate that particular problem! This might be a helpful law, seeing as how some of our bought-off politicians readily bend to the iron will of big pharma vaccine mass-assailants and murderers, who keep urging jail time for people that question the validity of mandatory vaccinations. Committee chair Mr. Jones-Sawyer then ended the meeting by noting that such (child rape trafficking) crimes are already felonies and may include fines of up to $1.5 million... if enforced. "If they (liberal judges, he means) won’t move on these, what makes you think they’ll move on others?" He stressed that minor crimes such as shoplifting weren't being enforced either. “Something’s going on out there. WHAT ARE WE NOT DOING?” Had enough bad news yet? Good, I need to go and puke my guts out, myself. Hold on a second there, Charles, what about the good news you promised us? Huh? What, I forgot... the good news is that this song you're about to download is FREE! As always. To explain the song's title, and the mood I was in when I wrote it, I'll only say this: I have lately taken much solace from my own frequent bouts of sadness regarding world and personal affairs, by watching birds in flight; I have come to believe that putting a bird in a cage might just be one of the worst crimes a person can unthinkingly commit, and will never do it myself. I have come to regard this act as being akin to using emotional blackmail to imprison another person in a personal relationship, another crime I've never committed, and hopefully never will. ![]() However, I see that other people will try to use emotional blackmail to bind someone in a personal relationship... with me! I would like to ask such people (especially those who write songs and make movies) to get some self-respect and try to mind their own business, if they can conjure up the decency to do so. I repeat: pretty birds should not be put in little cages. If any of my other readers don't know what I mean by this... so much the better. Enjoy your free song. ![]() Click this link to download your pretty song: Let the Pretty Birds Fly - mp3 Click here to go back to Index All text and photos (except as otherwise noted) Copyright September 2023 by Charles Adrian Trevino. The song "Let the Pretty Birds Fly" Copyright July 2023 by Charles Adrian Trevino. Thanks for reading my thoughts (did I say that?)... this is chucktrevino.com. |